Monday, May 9, 2011

Keeping It Simple - Pumpkin Soup

I never plant pumpkins but I always seem to end up with a garden swathed in pumpkin vines. This year they've even climbed my silver birches and produced 'aerial pumpkins'!

One of my favourite ways to cook these freebie pumpkins is Pumpkin Soup.
Chopped Golden Nugget Pumpkin

My recipe is simple:

  1. Saute onions in the fat/oil of your choice. I prefer either lard or chicken fat but if neither is available I use butter.
  2. Add chopped pumpkin and cook for about 5 mins.
  3. Add enough chicken stock to more than cover the vegies.
  4. Add a chopped potato or two.
  5. Add a tablespoon or two of tomato concentrate (homemade or commercial)
  6. Simmer until pumpkin and potato are completely cooked.
  7. Add salt and pepper to your own taste.
  8. Puree.

Pumpkin Soup with fresh baked Wholemeal Bread

Serve with freshly baked bread for simple yet luxurious meal.

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